
Friday, December 9, 2011

The importance of leadership in LoL matches

Hello my dear students! Today we are going to...! OH SNAP!...I'm not hotforwords! So yeah, greetings comrades! My dear summoners! Oh yeah, that's better! In this topic we are going to discuss the importance of leadership in League of Legends!

Equally important in top premade teams or in solo queue games, the leaders are the ones that rally the troops in early game, in Baron battles or in difficult  moments throughout a game.

He's not necessarily the tank, the carry, the support or the person that bans champions in picking phase. He's not a certain "champion". He's a real person, but with that Prince of Macedon attitude!

He is the midfield MAESTRO of the team. The "HAGI"! Well...Scuse me...but you gotta be pretty damn good to call yourself the HAGI of your team! You have to kill Baron from your base ^_^, while you lead your troops to victory in the mid team fight. Like some would say, pretty damn elegant!

The leader takes most of the important decisions during a game and even the ones before the game starts. Team bans, team composition, counter-picking, lane distribution, ganks, formation in team battles or 1st focused champion. These are just a part of the main decisions the team leaders take during matches.

In solo queue is harder for your voice to be heard and to get the respect you want from the team, but it’s not impossible! A good leader must prevail against communication problems and other issues and...well...ya’ know...LEAD HIS TEAM TO VICTORY! Cuz we all love that VICTORY screen!

Most of the times, the leader of a League of Legends team, is some king of leader also in the real life. Beacuse that person needs to have a certain set of skills in order to gather all the other players around him. What that means, is if you're a shy ass f*** in real life, it’s pretty safe to say you won’t lead a team of LoL, or CS, or football, or 300 spartans to victory.

It’s crucial for the leader to have great map controll and map awarness. It’s important for all players but especially for the team leader. He has to give warnings to the rest of the team about junglers activity or ganks (especially in early game – normal laning phase). He has to see the opportunities and make them work! Fast gank? Buff steal? Baron? Or just a big push? You name it!

Ambushes are great and a leader has to arrange them right. Also war diversions. 3 could turtle mid next to the turret, while Trynda could solo Dragon, or even Baron, if he’s feed enough and Kassadin could make a small backdoor into the enemy’s base. Another important aspect is reatreating. Just like in StarCraft or other strategy games, when you have an encounter that you KNOW you’ll lose FO SHO...just retreat! Those moments are very tight in a good moba match, so it’s hard for the leader to figure out when to retreat or when to go „all-in”. But he has to do it right, he’s the M.Bison of this Shadaloo Organisation!

Then you get knowledge about League of Legends. Usually the leader has the most game knowledge, strategy knowledge, so he’s right, almost everytime. He has to know what to ward, what buff to get, or in what order, what champion to „farm” early game etc.

A delicate subject is the language used by the leader after a deafeat or when a team member f***s up during a match. You have to say it to them. „Yo son, yo homeboy, yo my brother from another mother, man YOU FKED UP”!!

I kid, I kid! ^_^!

But seriously, you have to tell them when they make mistakes, but let it go after. Say it calm. Respect them, so they can respect you back. Talk after the game about what lead you to victory or to defeat and try not to have a negative effect on your team's mental stability or even worse ruin a friendship with someone for an „early feed”.

Team leaders, team work, team chemistry, good synergistic team composition, good communication, all are very important during a match of League of Legends.

All types of champions can be „the leader”. But as in football where the center backs are the best team captains, in LoL I think the best leader is the TANK. They or the carry (but mostly tanks in good matches), initiate and take high risks in big team battles. The leader also has to have the ability to play any type of champion. He has to play what the team needs him to play! And all in all he has to be good at the game, at what he does. IF HE GOOD MAN, WE WIN, WE GG THIS GAME MAN!

Leadership and team play! That’s the winning formula! Make your team! Find your leader!

Until next time Saaaabeeeer Raaaaidaaaa!

Much Love!

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