Welcome back summoners!, for Part 3 of „30 Seconds Until Minions Spawn!”. Today we are going to cover the remaining basic information about the gameplay elements of League of Legends. After this Part 3, we will focus on advanced discussions for all LoL related topics (we won't forget you newbies out there :P).
Okey then! ALOHOMORA! I mean...yeah, let’s go summoners J! C’mon c’mon, leave Harry alone! He fights Voldemort tomorrow and he needs his rest. Gragas take the children and let’s go! NO HARRY! NO LoL FOR YOU! Ok, we play on Saturday if you kill Voldemort. Ok, i’ll buy you Frost Queen Janna, now go to sleep! YES WE MAKE A PREMADE TEAM...YES 5 PLAYERS...OMG NOW GO TO SLEEP! Damn Harry has the signs of the LoL’ed patient...DAMN!
A classic match of LoL (classic mode – Summoner’s Rift map), puts 2 teams in the same game/map to battle for supremacy. Both teams have 5 members (3 for Twisted Treeline and 5 for Crystal Scar. We will make an advance cover for both Twisted Treeline and Crystal Scar, but for now we focus on the Summoner’s Rift map for this Part 3, bcuz it’s the most played map from the Field of Justice J).
Each team has it’s own base, which contains the spawning point (also re-spawn point when you die or recall point), the shop (you buy items from here), the nexus (main structure), the 3 inhibitors and 5 towers. The spawning point and the shop are pretty straightforward. The nexus is protected by 2 towers (or turrets). The enemy team has to destroy at least one of your inhibitors to attack the 2 towers protecting the nexus, and then the nexus itself. So, 2 towers are protecting the nexus, but what about the other 3? Well each inhibitor has it’s own tower. The inhibitor is INVULNERABLE to attacks, so you first must destroy the turret protecting it.
The Nexus spawns minions or creeps as some people call them. They are spawned in 3 different lanes. After one inhibitor is destroyed, the corespondig lane will get a SUPER MINION (and I mean super, not the super creep from HoN J. Some champions, even late game can get raped ^_^ by super minions. Sad J). When all 3 inhibitors (or Barracks or “RAX” as some people call them, so don’t freak out when you hear: PROTECT THE RAX NOOOBS J! Yeah don’t freak out when that happens.) are “Bin Laden’ed” each lane will spawn 2 super minions per lane/wave.
Destroyed inhibitors respawn after some time (5 minutes as of Season 1 Patch). This results in canceling the super minions production on that lane. Also normal minions get a buff for their HP when inhibitors are destroyed. This buff also is canceled when the inhibitor is UP and READY again J. I guess you can give your inhibitor viagra and he will be UP ALL NIGHT LONG J! NO SUPER MINIONS FOR YOU GWAHAHAHHAHA J.
Sorry, I kid I kid!
You gotta love yo' mama like Blanka! It will do you good!
And here, in League of Legends yo’ mama is…THE NEXUS JJ! Protect it with all costs or else, well…YOU DIE ^_^! The turrets that protect the nexus or yo’ mama w/e you want to call it, regenerate over time and will be invulnerable if all the inhibitors are up. Take note that the nexus is close to the spawning point. Keep that in mind, when defending or when you want to push it for the win.
The towers are heavy fortifications that blocks the enemy’s minion waves and helps you in battles. It also acts as detector for invisible champions. They do heavy damage to enemy units. And yeah I mean HEAVY (just like when talking about super minions ^_^ watch out HoN playaz)!! Each turret must be destroyed in order to gain acces to the next turret in that lane. Turrets grow in strength the closer it gets to it’s nexus.
Besides the bases, the 3 lanes, the Summoner’s Rift map has a river that divides the territory and a jungle populated by neutral minions of varying strength. The toughest of neutral minions will provide buffs (blue, red and baron) and/or gold for the killer or the entire team (Dragon and Baron).
The game mechanic/element that I really love in LoL, is the BRUSH! The brush is a tall grassy terrain on the map that makes your champion stealth. This great add (yes DotA and HoN don’t have it and it’s great and fresh) can be used in several ways to create tactical advantages in or off battles. Ambush is the best example. The brush will be a nice topic for a future guide J
Every champion has 4 abilities and 1 native passive, but that’s not it. The summoner’s spells, are chosen during champion selection (picking phase). Each player can select 2 summoner’s spells from a list. These spells don’t use mana, but have long cooldown times. So use them carefully! Some spells become stronger as the champion gains levels.
Also there is a mastery tree. Divided in 3 sections. One for offense, one for defense and one for utility. You need level 30 (MAX level), to fully use the mastery tree. This is the place where players can focus training in specific skills or spells. You can get more life, mana, regen, ability power, buff some summoner’s spells and much more. It’s up to you to spend the mastery points. You can have multiple mastery pages so you can fast customize for your needs depending on champion picks (or your pick). You get one mastery point per summoner level and you can reset the mastery tree at any given time.
Space: the final frontier! These are the voyages of the starship enterprise! And…oops I mean RUNES, not space RUNES!! I keep forgetting stuff…gotta take some lecithin!!
Runes are similar to masteries and change the gameplay in some way (it’s not a big factor don’t get scared but they help). They are split in 4 categories. Quintessence (all-around), Glyphs (magic), Seals (defensive) and Marks (offensive). Also the higher tiers of runes, require a higher summoner level. You can buy runes at the store with IP (influence points). IP = free J. You play matches, you gain IP simple J. Almost all of the game content is FREE!
In the store you can buy/unlock champions, boosts, name change, runes and more for IP! You have to use RP only for new skins or bundles! RP = Riot Points. You can buy Riot Points with paypal, credit card, paysafecard or sms.
League of Legends, our love J has been doing better and better in the competitive scene! The live streams of LoL are very popular ATM! Up there with StarCraft 2, CS 1.6 or Street Fighter 4. More and more sponsors are putting big $$$ aka mucho dinero on the line for LoL tournaments! The game was at WCG 2010 and is now on the list for WCG 2011! So watch out!
Best PC strategy game IGN 2009, PC gamer’s choice award for GameSpy 2009, audience award 2010 for online play and Golden Joystick award for best free-to-play game in 2011! LoL has come a loooong way since 2008 – 2009 and it’s not gonna stop here! Maybe Harry will J but not League of Legends! Legends never die!
This is it for Part 3 of “30 Seconds Until Minions Spawn!”. Some beginner’s guides are on the way, but we gotta start focusing on deep and advanced guides for all type of LoL stuff J. Maps, champions, summoner’s spells, strategies, lanes etc.
FUN is always important!! So untill next time, just have FUN J
Much Love!
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