
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ahri the Nine-Tailed Fox Guide

Hello summoners! The asian legend has been revealed. Ahri, the Nine Tailed Fox will be available in LoL store any minute now!
The story of Ahri begins in the woods of southern Ionia. Ahri was born with the feeling that she was not meant to be just a fox, she wanted to be more, she dreamt to be human some day.
Her goal seemed always out of reach. Until one day, she came across a battlefield and encountered a dying man. In that moment something she could not explain happened, some sort of magic transformed her into a human. Ahri knew that her transformation was not complete and used her beautiful, human appearance to attract men and consume their life essences. With every life she took, Ahri was coming closer to her dream, but also she started to have doubts about the method she used to achieve her goal.
Searching for a solution, she encountered Runeterra, the home of the gifted mages on earth (she probably met Charles Xavier) and they offered her the chance to fight in the League of Legends!
''Mercy is a human luxury, and responsibility.”

Ahri, the Nine Tales Fox is a ranged caster that will use her nine tails to move in and out of battle.
Ahri's mobility in combat relies on her ultimate, which allowes her to up to 3 times before going on cooldown.

Base Stats:

Damage           50 (+3 / level)
Heath               380 (+80 / level)
Mana               230 (+50 / level)
Move Speed    305
Armor             11 (+3.5 / level)
Spell Block     30 (+0 / level)
Heath regen     1.1 (+0.12 / level)
Mana Regen    1.25 (+0.12 / level)

Masteries : 9-0-21

Mental Force 4/4 - adds 4 ability power
Sorcery 4/4 - give you 4% cooldown reduction
Arcane Knowledge 1/1 - adds 10% magic penetration

Expanded Mind 3/3 - 12 extra mana per level.
Summoner's insight 1/1 - boost up summoner spells (I take it for the reduced 15 sec cooldown on flash. I dont see Good Hands or Improved Recall useful).
Swiftness 4/4 - 2% extra movement speed.
Meditation 3/3 - 3 mana regen. Useful early game, before you can build your mana regen items. 
Greed 4/4 - gain 2 extra gold every 10 seconds
Wealth 2/2 - you get 40 extra gold on start
Strenght of Spirit 1/3 - increases HP regen by 0.4 of your maximum mana.
Intelligence 3/3 - 6% cooldown reduction.

Runes Choice:
I use 3x Greater Quintessence of Potency (15 AP), 9x Greater Glyphs of Potency (9 AP), 9x Greater Seal of Replenishment (3.7 mana regen/5sec), 9x Greater Mark of Insight (8.5 magic penetration).

Summoner Spells:
Flash + Ignite is a good choice for this hero.

Another good way to go is Flash + Ghost. But take into consideration that you will not have improved Ghost (35% bonus movement speed) and Ignite (AP and AD increased by 5 when ignite is on CD - very low btw) because of the masteries choice.

Orb of Deception (Q). Ahri send her orb in a straight line do deal 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.33) magic damage on the way out and 40/65/90/115/140 (+0.33) True damage whem coming back to her.
Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana
Range: 880.
*Tip: The orb follows your location on its way back, so if the orb misses the enemy, you can move to make the orb hit on its way back to you.
Fox-Fire (W). Ahri releases 3 fox fires that attack nearby enemies after a shot delay (will focus champions). The foxes deal 40/70/100/130/160 (+0.38) magic damage. Fire-foxes that hit the same target will deal 50% damage, max damage 80/140/200/260/320 (+0.75).
Cost: 60 mana
Range: 800
Charm (E). Ahri sends a kiss in a straight line that charms the first enemy it hits and deals 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.35) magic damage. A charmed enemy will walk towards Ahri (similar to Fear) for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 second(s).
Cost: 50/65/80/95/110 mana
Range: 975.
Spirit Rush (R). Ahri dashes forward and fires essence bolts, dealing 100/140/180 (+0.3) magic damage to 3 nearby enemies (focuses champions). Spirit Rush can be cast up to 3 times within the limit of 10 seconds. After 10 seconds it goes on CD.
Cost: 100 mana
Range: 450
Soul Eater. Ahri stacks a charge of Soul Eater whenever one of her spells hits an enemy (max 3 charges per spell). When Ahri stacks 9 charges, her next spell will give her 35% spell vamp (heals for 35% of the damage dealt).

Skill order:
Focus Orb of Deception (1st) and Charm (2nd). At lvl 5 get Fox-Fire and Spirit Rush at 6 (then at 11 and 16). Max Q and E, then start taking additional points in Fire-Fox.

First of all, take mid lane if you can. Starting with a Doran's Ring will allow you to harras your enemy. Use your Q spell to drive your enemy mad, try to double hit with it. If he moves sideways, move with him too. Your orb will take another route to get back to you, just like Sivir's boomerang.
Whenever you have a clear route (creeps are not in the way), use E to charm him and Q to damage both ways. When your opponent gets into your W range, use it.
At level 6, you combo of spells looks like this: E to charm, use Q, get close and use W, activate R to chase him (remember you have 10 seconds to use ulti 3 times). Between ulti's you can use your other skills too. If your tower-diving save your last ulti "click" to run from tower range.
Keep an eye to your Soul Eater charges. When you have 9 stacks use a skill that hits multiple targets like Q and E to get more heal.

Early game:
Start with a Doran's ring and a HP pot (thanks to new masteries) or, if you are not a fan of the mighty Doran, get mana or mana regen (sapphire crystal or meki pendant).
Your next items should be Sorcerer's shoes and Fiendish Codex. This early game build will give Ahri enough mana regen, some CD reduction and a little AP.
Mid and Late game:
Ahri works very well with cooldown reduction, mana regen and AP items. So you will buy just that.
The Codex that you bought early game will build into Morello's Evil Tome, which will provide you with all the above (mana regen, Ap and CD reduction). You will also get Rabadon's Deathcap, Archangel's Staff, Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Void Staff.
Sorcerer's shoes - basic AP caster gear (+20 magic penetration)

Archangel's Staff - Boosts up Ahri's mana pool (+400), mana regen (+25) and Ap (+45 and 3% of her max mana). Also can stack up to 1000 mana (not wasted upon death) based on your spells cast.

Rabadon's Deathcap - time to get some strong AP boost. 130 Ap + 30% Ap increased.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter - 500 Hp boost, slow added to Ahri's spells and 80 AP.

Morello's Evil Tome - builds from your early game purchase (codex). Grants 75 Ap, 12 mana regen and 20% CD reduction.

Void Staff - 70 AP and 40% magic penetration. Enough said.
* Another great items for her is Mejai's Soulstealer, which grants the bearer 20 AP, stacks of AP - max 20 granted per kills and assists (8 AP/stack) and upon reaching 20 stacks-a rewarding 15% CD reduction. You loose a third of the stacks upon death.

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