Janna – The Storm’s Fury or Sona – Maven of the Strings? That’s the question of the day!
They are both great „pure” support picks. But when it’s better to pick Janna or when Sona and her larger breasts (apparently ^_^) will help you more?
In League of Legends a good amount of champions can act as support heroes. About 15 of them can be called support champions. But only 5 or 6 are „true or pure” support champions. Janna and Sona are 2 pure supports that are heavily played in the PRO scene, in good ranked matches and sometimes in normal matches. This is not a „VS” topic. It’s just a discussion about the 2 characters and what teams benefit the most from Janna or from Sona.
You ready? Let’s go!
Ok some say Janna is better, some say Sona is better, or some say that one of them is the most usefull support in the game or the best for damage and so on. Now let’s take this analsys further.
Early and End – Game stats with no items. Janna has 356 health (1682 lvl 18), 302 mana (1390 lvl 18), 49 damage (99,15 lvl 18), 9 armor (73,6 lvl 18) and 310 movement speed. They both have the same stats in spell block department, same health regen and same mana regen (sona has here a small small advantage 0.12<0.13 growth per level). Sona has 380 health (1570 lvl 18), 265 mana (1030 lvl 18), 47 damage (98 lvl 18), 8 armor (64,1 lvl 18) and 305 movement speed. So, Janna has overall higher base stats. She has more mana, more "normal" attack damage, more armor and more movement speed. Health is kinda tied because Sona has a small advantage early game while Janna has a small advantage late game.
Ok! Now let’s check out the skillz for both ya' hot mamaz ^_^!
Janna has Howling Gale, which is a small storm (or cyclone as some call it) that can be charged for more time and damage. This skill can help you initiate team fights, ganks or to get KS’s J I KID I KID! This skill is very usefull mid to late game when team fights are more present and the hunt for first strike is continuous.
2nd skill is Zephyr. This skill as a passive increases Janna’s movement speed by 8% ---> 16% and allows her to move through units. As an active ability it’s a damaging spell that adds a slow also to the enemy champion of up to 48% for 4 seconds! Another good late game skill, but also good for early game! This can be used for first blood, for ganking or for chasing/slowing enemy specific champions during late team fights or „picked-off” moments. This skill is also great when damaging and slowing enemy champions in your TURRET range!
3rd skill Eye of the Storm, is a shield type skill that absorbs damage for allied champion or even turret! It’s also a damage buff with +50 damage for 5 seconds on level 5!
Her ultimate skill throws back enemy champions and heals allied heroes in pain. This ultimate is also great in team fights and VERY GOOD i might add in late game!
Her native passive ability increases the movement speed of all allied champions by 3%.
Now it’s time for Sona Double D’s abilities!
Hymn of Valor. Passive Aura, increases nearby allied champions damage and ability power by 8/11/14/17/20. Also when active, it fires bolts that do 50 ---> 250 damage to the nearest 2 enemies. This is a great early game skill. Good mid or late, but early it’s gosu! Bottom lane with Sona and Carry can be deadly with this ability. This combo can get a lot of kills or can do a great tower push!
2nd skill for Sona is Aria of Perseverance. Passive Aura, Sona increases nearby allied champions Armor and Magic Resist by 7/9/11/13/15. When active, Aria heals Sona and the most wounded nearby allied champion and also adds extra Armor and Magic Resist for 3 seconds! Another great skill. This is great early, but shines in mid game team fights. You can have a decent Armor and Magic Resist boost and also the heal; the heal is for you (enemy players will try to kill you fast so it helps) and for the most WOUNDED allied champion (which means you or your main DPS will be focused early in battle, but will be healed!). This skill is just PURE PWNGE!
3rd skill for Sona is Song of Celerity. This skill has a passive effect and one active effect just like skills 1 and 2. Nearby allied champions gain 8 to 20 movement speed! Also at activation Sona energizes nearby allied champions for 6 to 14% extra movement speed for „only” 1,5 seconds.
Her ultimate ability is a nuke. Sona does damage to enemy heroes and forces them to dance J LOL! This skill does 350 damage on lvl 3 and stacks up pretty good with AP (+0,8).
Her native passive is Power Chord. After casting 3 spells, Sona’s next attack deals 14 + 9 x lvl bonus magic damage in addition to a bonus effect depending on what song Sona is playing! This passive gives Sona a good damage output early on or can help with slow or damage nerf on enemy heroes in team fights. But remember your not a killing machine ^_^! Do the support job and all your team will love you. And yeah...all the enemy team will hate you J. Love, hate? Who cares? Just like Al Bundy used to say!
So Janna is better for late game team fights, but can’t baby sit as well as Sona (or as Soraka) early or late game. Sona has overall the most damage out of the two (and a decent damage output in general, maybe the best out of all the „pure” support champions). AD carry are best coupled with Janna for her +dmg, but AP carry will get more benefits from Sona. Janna or Soraka or even Taric are more „specialized” supports, but Sona is the most well-rounded good overall support and my personal favorite ATM in League of Legends xD.
Early game Sona is better than Janna. End game Janna is and/or could be better, depending on team composition and skill of players a better option than Sona.
Why is Janna better late game you ask? Well because of her cyclone initiation, speed buff, steroid level 5 damage buff on Eye and team-splitable utimate make her a better choice for late or „late late” game.
Sona is better early to mid champion and can help you win the game faster. With tons of assists, with babysitting or with aggresive towers/turrets pushes and diving/s. Sona can do great laning because of her damage and sustain. Janna’s laning phase is not that good and is a pretty weak hero early game in general.
If your lane is Janna + Carry the playstyle will be more defensive and focused on last higting. A lane with Sona + Carry and be much, much more aggresive early on. Both Sona or the Carry can do enough damage against the enemy champion/s. Janna can also kite some enemy champions like Nasus or Garen or even Rammus (it’s gonna be hard but it’s possible).
Sona is the "best" all-around support and she is great if you wanna start trying the support role. She is good for aggresive play and team play. Best for early game harass and pushes. Janna is better late game, better for late team fights and a better disabler. But don’t forget even late game, if the team fight lasts longer than 5-6 seconds you will be better with Sona on the team. So end it „fast” if you have Janna for the late team fights!
*Remeber Janna has no heal early game, but later in mid she can give you a FREE BF in damage J. PIMP
Janna is also harder to master. Im not saying Sona is easy, but you can spam some stuff and she has passive auras. So yeah, overall she is easier to play at MAX potential than Janna.
Janna’s cyclone is hard to hit and also her ultimate can help a lot or screw things if you don’t time it right! You can help an enemy champion escape J! So watch out!
In solo queue, Sona will be a better option bcuz most of your carry’s will make mistakes and the heal really helps! Also her playstyle is easier to understand by your team. And let’s not forget, she can (not recomended in real matches but in normal solo queue why not?) do serious damage if she has the items to do so.
Conclusion: Janna is blonde! And Sona has bigger and rounder boobs J. Pick your poison!
It’s really all about your team setup (the carry pick can decide what support he needs), enemy setup and of course it’s about what you like and/or can play. They are both great! Top 3-4 support heroes in the game!
Untill next time!
Much Love!
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